Program Outline

This program is designed as a guideline to support you during the AFL Season 2020

T1 sessions will consist of longer, interval based sessions. Be sure to include some intense flying sprints at the end of the warm up.

T2 sessions will consist of predominantly shorter intervals. Be sure to include the acceleration efforts with intensity at the end of the warm up.

T3 sessions will provide replacement conditioning for those not selected to do an AFL game or for those that only umpire a 1/4 or 1/2 AFL game.

Free Off-Legs Conditioning Programs


Pick ONE Pre-Training Movement Prep Sequence To Complete

Option 1

  • Prone flat/raised belly breaths x 10 ea
  • Single leg glute bridge x 10 e/s
  • Prone Y-W x 10
  • Hip flexor pulses x 10 e/s
  • 90-90 reach thru x 6 e/s
  • Cat-camel x 8
  • Lateral rocks x 6 e/s
  • World’s greatest stretch x 5 e/s
  • Knee hug + arabesque x 5 e/s
  • Skipping / Lateral skip / High knee skip x 30 ea

Option 2

  • Bretzel x 5 breaths e/s
  • 90-90 reach thru x 5 e/s
  • Hip flexor pulses x 10 e/s
  • Double leg glute bridge hold x 30″
  • Supine neural glide/floss x 10 e/s
  • Supine side to side x 5 e/s
  • Prone scorpions x 5 e/s
  • Assisted back ext x 5


Complete Prescribed Running Prep Sequence

Basic Running Prep

  • Complete 2x sets of each before moving to the next
  • Jog return – Sprinter Lunge x 10m
  • Jog return – A-March x 10m
  • Lateral shuffle return – A-Skip x 10m
  • Lateral shuffle return -Ankle Dribble x 20m
  • Backward jog return -Ankle/Calf dribble x 20m
  • Backward jog return -Ankle/Calf/Knee dribble x 20m

T1 Drills

  • Calf pump x 10m
  • Lateral shuffle return x 10m-Pogo forwards x 10m
  • Lateral shuffle return x 10m-Pogo backwards x 10m
  • Carioca return x 10m-Split Pogo x 10m
  • Carioca return x 10m-A skip x 10m
  • Backward jog return x 10m-Ankle dribble x 10m
  • Jog return-Ankle –Calf dribble x 20m
  • Jog return-Ankle –Calf –Knee dribble x 30m
  • Jog return-Dribble Transition (speed focus x 30m
  • Jog return-Build up strides 3 x 40m (60-70-80%)
  • 30-40m Build up Flying 10m Sprint + Decel (x2)

T2 Drills

  • Knee hug + Lunge and twist x 10m
  • Hip openers return x 10m-Arabesque x 10m
  • Carioca return x 10m-Sprinter lunge x 10m
  • Carioca return x 10m -A skip x 10m
  • Backward jog return x 10m – Single exch. x 10m
  • Lateral shuffle return x 10m-Triple exch. x 10m
  • Lateral shuffle return x 10m-Continuous exch. x 10m
  • Jog return x 10m-2 x 10m Accelerations
  • Walk return-2 x 20m Accelerations
  • Walk return-2 x 30m Accelerations


Complete Prescribed C.O.D Drills (x2-3 e/s)

Option 1

  • Setup Cones/Markers with 5m between each
  • Complete first rep with all left hand turns
  • Rest 30″
  • Complete second rep with all right hand turns
  • Rest 30″
  • Repeat for designated sets

Option 2

  • Setup 2x parallel lines of 4x cones with 5m b/w each
  • You must remain facing one direction during the drill
  • Keep feet moving with small steps and start with…
  • Forward run
  • Diagonal backwards/right run
  • Forward run
  • Lateral right shuffle
  • Backward run
  • Diagonal forward/right
  • Backward run
  • Rest 30-45″ then reverse the direction
  • Repeat for designated sets

Option 3 

  • Setup 2x parallel lines of 4x cones with 5m b/w each
  • Lateral shuffle left to hit cone
  • Diagonal forward right run to hit cone
  • Repeat x4 reps to hit last cone
  • Take 45″ to walk return
  • Start at opposite cone and then
  • Lateral shuffle right to hit cone
  • Diagonal forward left run to hit cone
  • Repeat x4 reps to hit last cone
  • Take 45″ to walk return
  • Repeat for designated sets

‘No Cones’ Alternate Goal Post C.O.D.

Alternate To Option 1 

Alternate To Option 2

Alternate To Option 3


Complete Prescribed Program From Below



Complete Skills As Prescribed

Strength Maintenance

Aim to complete this program 2x per week

The following videos and downloadable program will provide you with a simple method to maintain strength throughout the period of limited equipment access.

Each Level (1-3) represents an increase in difficulty whilst targeting same key areas.

These exercises should provide you with appropriate structural loading to major movement areas for activities such as running, jumping, bending and moving things.

Leg movements = Focus on range of motion, strength and stability

Core movements = Focus on stability and control

Upper body movements = Focus on control and shoulder function/stability.

Option 1: Set Reps Complete as a circuit for 3 rounds.

  • Complete each exercise for 10 reps
  • Add 1-2 reps to each exercise after every 2nd session until you reach 20 reps.
  • For static movements complete 20 seconds for each movement
  • Add 5 seconds every 2nd session until you reach 45 seconds.

 Option 2: Timed sets Complete as a circuit for 3 rounds.

  • Complete each movement for 20 seconds rotating in a circuit
  • Add 5 seconds to each movement every 2nd session
Level 1 Strength

Level 1

  • Isometric lunge
  • Spiderman lunge
  • Y-W Glides
  • Plank
  • Hamstring holds
  • Bent knee curl up
  • Side plank
  • Bird dog (elbows)
Level 2 Strength

Level 2

  • Reverse lunge
  • Isometric Lateral lunge
  • Scapula push up
  • Plank rocks
  • Single leg hamstring holds
  • Hollow hold
  • Side plank hip lifts
  • Bird dog (hands)
Level 3 Strength

Level 3

  • Sprinter lunge
  • Lateral lunge
  • Push up
  • Plank up downs
  • Hamstring switches
  • Dead bug
  • Side plank leg lifts
  • Bear dog